It's way past June and it is due time for an update on my Bookish Goal this year. I've written a post at the start of the year on my reading goals, and on joining the goodreads challenge. PS: I have been updating as often as I can on the books that I'm currently reading. Do follow me if you want an update.
Anyways, here's what I can sum up in my 6 months of reading challenge. As of writing this post, I have read a total of 7 books (and my reading goal for 2016 still remains at 20).
1. 1984 by George Orwell
Now, 1984 is a book published in 1949, looking into the future of 1984 in a dystopian setting in England. If you are looking for some good idea on politic dictatorship then this might be your cup of tea. In Big Brother's ruling, there was so much deceit, manipulation, lies and even torture. It's sad to say that I did not enjoy this particular book. At some point of the story I felt lost and disconnected with the main character of Winston. The love story was brief and some parts of the book is abit mundane but overall, it's a good view of how a real dictatorship is with Big Brother. I do not think politics is something that I'm interested to read about.
Rating: 3/5 Stars
2. The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
This debut novel is something different, I'm really not sure where to put my hand on this story. It has the suspense and the eeriness in it yet it's not a horror genre. At some point, it felt like I was reading a horror story. The mysteriousness surrounding the miniaturist opens up so many questions to ask. It definitely kept me turning the pages. Nella the main character of the story was going through so much that it felt like things are slowly unfolding like a rose blooming. There was a plot twist that I did not see coming! It was such a surprise to me. The ending left me hanging with so many questions still unanswered.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
3. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
I got to say, this is one heck of a 800 page book. I started reading GOT sometime last year, but when I started this series, it felt draggy and lengthy and things were moving slow. It was a slow introduction to the whole setting of the world, the characters and how they are related. Since it was so slow I started to lose interest in the story and decided to stop reading it for a while. I manage to pick it up again this year and really bring myself to read it. It's such a high fantasy book that sometimes I need to reread the same line twice just to be able to picture how things look. Anyways, once I got past the first half of the book, I realized things started picking up fast. The story was looking so much more interesting as I dive deeper into the characters. It's really an incredibly well written piece of story. George R.R. Martin wrote each character brilliantly well and in each character the story intertwines so well that it absolutely blow my mind. My favourite character has got to be Deanerys and Arya Stark while Joffrey is just plain annoying-right-at-your-face.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
I have read this particular book a handful of times during my teens. I'm a BIG Potter head back than. I thought it would be a great idea to reread the entire series again since it has been ages! I was initially aiming to reread the entire series before July 31st in other words before the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (I'm EXCITED!), I was sidetracked by Outlander (more on that if you keep reading). Since it's not going according to plan, I'll just leave it at book 2 of the entire series. Reading this again in my 20s still reminds me of the same emotions that I get when I read it many years ago. There were definitely more funny scenes here and the ending still blows me away with all the puzzle pieces in place.
Rating: 5/5 Stars
5. Me Before You by JoJo Moyes
I do not physically own this book on my bookshelf but my lovely colleague lend it to me since I was telling her that I would love to read it before the movie came out. So I brought it home, flew through the pages and here's what I think about it. Lou, a very lovable character and Will, a handsome and charming yet miserable guy. I love a good love story but the ending made it so much worst. It was somewhat predictable throughout the story but that didnt stop my waterworks. I just wish the ending was different. I will leave it at that.
Rating: 3/5 Stars
6. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
THIS IS MY NEW FAVOURITE BOOK! I definitely got to start off with that. I have seen a few booktubers raving about Outlander and I did not know back then what the hype was, but I know it now. YOU GOT TO READ THIS! So much history, so much love, so much politics, so much time travel, so much Claire, so much Jamie... It's a book that I did not want it to come to an end (thanks Diana for having 8 books in the series, with the 9th in works). The entire story revolves around Claire Randall whom somehow walk through the stone circles in the highland while on her honeymoon in 1945 and found herself somehow in the middle of Scotland in 1743. This seems to be the main theme of the story and not to mention all the history that revolves among the characters are actual events that happened. So, a women in 1945 found herself in 1743, who would ever believe her story. She will definitely be labeled as a witch and be burned to death. To cut the story short, she was forced into marriage with Jamie Fraser (else she would be dead), since she came from the future, she would know about the battle of Culloden and how the battle ended. Thus Claire and Jamie actually have plans to stop the entire Culloden war. In between all the plotting, there was definitely a villain that always stood out, Black Jack Randall. Things always get tense when BJR is around, but Jamie and Claire always persevere through thick and thin. I do not think that I would be able to summarize this 800 pages book here but I got to highly recommend you to read it!
Rating: 5/5 Stars
7. Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon
Once I was done with the first book, I knew right off that I needed to read the second book straight away! The second book in the series start off into a distant future with some new characters and some time jump into the past. This makes the flow of the story an interesting one. Leaving where the ending left off from the first book. This time with more of a Parisian flair and the politics get even more darker. This time, the battle of the Culloden war is even closer. Clair and Jamie, so much emotions was invested into their relationship and they were definitely put to the test. I feel like I can't say more or else I might spoil too much. Definitely some heartbreaking and waterworks is in the call. Just pick it up and read!
Rating: 5/5 Stars
On the side note, I am also obsessed with the Outlander TV Series. If you don't know already, Outlander is being made into a TV series and it's just as good as the book. Jamie is definitely an eye candy. I have been reading DiA alongside watching the second season, and every episode is so nicely done. I can't help falling in love with the characters and especially their well designed costumes!
So here's all that I have gotten so far with my reading. I might be a few books behind and if I want to catch up with my reading goals, I better start reading my next book!
What have you been reading? Any recommendations?
Disclaimer:- All the products seen above is purchased with my own money or gifted and is not sponsored unless stated otherwise. This review is intended to share information with my readers and are my own opinion.
Oooh, games of thrones sounds great. I think I might give it a read. I'll admit that I haven't seen the film ☺️